John Chen

Animation Major


38” x 26”

Acrylic paint, ink, and pencil on wood


Humans and other living organisms have coexisted for the last 200,000 years. Human beings have evolved to sustain themselves while contaminating the environment with minimal consideration for wild animals. We put forth effort for our own pleasures and not enough to manage the very ecosystem that provides for the entire world and generations to come. The mentality of a small fish in a big pond is the reason why people do not believe their actions can affect the outcome of an entire population. We believe that sustaining ourselves, and only ourselves, is sufficient. The world does not belong to a single person, but to everyone and everything in it. Therefore, the decisions and opportunities to cleanse the environment we inhabit is a responsibility. As a whole, the sustainability of life must come from us.


The solution is not an invention. The solution is not another method of cleansing the world. As ironic as it sounds, people are the solution. People do not realize they can change the outcome because they do not think their actions affect the entire population. Why? We believe we are too small for the world. People need to realize that the start comes from them. How do they re-evaluate where their trash goes? How do they re-evaluate how they are using their materials? How much of it are they using? The big picture is to sustain the world we are living in. We can monitor our consumption of certain products and shift the way we do things to different alternatives. The outcome, or the flip side, is to see the Earth grow instead of perish under our own contamination.